At Paramount Siding and Windows in Denver, we offer a wide range of modern window types. Finding the perfect windows for your home can be a challenge. Whether you have a specific look in mind or are seeking inspiration, our team can assist you in selecting the right windows to complement your home.
Generally, modern window types incorporate simple, angular shapes without much ornamentation. Larger windows allow natural light and the simple designs draw attention to the interior details.
Contemporary Style
These modern window types are generally minimalistic in design. Tall, expansive windows without any grilles breaking up the panes allow for simplicity and flexibility, the hallmarks of contemporary design.
Flat or gabled cathedral ceilings with exposed beams are popular. From the windows to the furnishings, the emphasis is on clean lines and functionality. Some windows with very large panes can be difficult to clean, which is something to consider when choosing your windows.
Prairie Style
Prairie style architecture focuses on creating structures that bring nature into our everyday lives. It was pioneered by Frank Llyod Wright in the 20th Century and continues to be a very popular style for both rural and suburban American homes.
Open plan design and large windows aim to connect the natural surroundings to the interior of the home. Floor to ceiling windows afford plenty of beautiful natural light and sliding glass doors are an excellent way to encourage the use of outdoor space. An energy efficient window can even help to deflect the heat and UV rays so that you can enjoy the light without the downsides.
Art Deco Style
Art Deco style incorporates geometrical shapes and a streamlined appearance with the careful use of color. The style developed in the 1930s in France and has undergone a revival in recent times. Low, horizontal structures and rounded corners are favored in Art Deco homes. Windows tend to be simple, without windowsills or decorative additions. Casement windows are particularly popular, but many styles can be used. Custom made round windows, and corner windows with curved panes are less common in residential buildings but do appear in Art Deco style architecture.
Eclectic Style
Eclectic style architecture is probably the most common found in modern American homes. This style draws inspiration from different historical eras while incorporating the potential of modern window types and designs. Eclectic homes borrow elements from various design trends, allowing homeowners to create unique looks with modern window types and without any restriction to one particular style.
Windows used in this type of home are highly variable but usually, stick to the modern minimalist trend. Asymmetrical designs are a popular way of drawing attention to different aspects of the home.
Depending on the style of your home, we can offer a number of suitable modern window types. After selecting the design, choose from a range of materials for your new windows, including solid wood, metal, and vinyl. Our team at Paramount Siding and Windows is happy to assist you in every stage of planning, purchasing, and installing your new or replacement windows.